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If you have picked at your skin, or if you’re worried about hyperpigmentation from a different kind of injury like a burn or cut, don’t worry – there is still something to be done! You can do this by keeping the freshly broken or burned skin well moisturized. Depending on your skin, you could even use both a weekly and daily chemical exfoliant, although be careful not to overuse and burn or damage your skin. Some people like a combination of chemical and physical exfoliants, as well.
Alternatively, turmeric paste may provide similar results. To make a turmeric paste, mix one part dry turmeric to two parts water in a saucepan. Simmer the mixture until it forms a paste and then leave to cool.
Tomato paste
Use this skin booster pack 3-4 times a week to exfoliate dead skin cells and regenerate new skin cells. Rice, oatmeal or chickpea flours are all excellent choices for an at-home face scrub. By regularly removing that dead skin build-up you help remove pigmented skin and clear the way for healthy and new skin cells. Rosehip oil is one of my favorite skincare oils, because it works for just about everyone!
A full diagnosis and necessary medical treatment may help set the mind at ease and avoid complications. Most of the time, hyperpigmentation is a cosmetic issue that does not pose any real threat to health, other than perhaps feeling unsightly to the individual. However, in some cases, hyperpigmentation may be a sign of an underlying condition. Many topical creams containing licorice or its extract may be available over the counter and will have their own directions for use. Applying yogurt or milk directly to the pigmented area or soaking a cotton ball in milk and applying it to the area may both be helpful home remedies.
IPL Skin Pigmentation Therapy Aftercare Instructions
While typically harmless, increased skin pigmentation can be caused by several things. Speak to your doctor if you’re concerned about your skin pigmentation or suspect that your skin discoloration is caused by an underlying medical condition or medication. Hyperpigmentation is usually a cosmetic concern rather than a medical one.

Most at-home hyperpigmentation remedies work by naturally dispersing clustered melanin, disrupting the formation of melanin or by reducing inflammation. Certain treatments also work to reduce some of the visible signs of UV damage, reducing the appearance of sun spots. Hyperpigmentation is a condition characterized by the appearance of scattered areas of darker skin compared to one’s natural skin tone.
Ways to remove pigmentation from face: Home remedies
It increases your skin luminosity naturally and gives you clear and flawless skin. Gets absorbed quickly without giving you a greasy feeling. They work as a bleaching agent and makes skin soft, smooth, and radiant. It also is a great exfoliator, which helps to lighten the scars, dark spots, and pigmentation.

The green tea leaves themselves also contain gallic acid and ellagic acid, which may help improve skin. Skin pigmentation can be unsightly for some individuals with it, or psychologically troubling for others who it affects. For anyone looking to reduce the appearance of different colored patches of skin, there are several home remedies for pigmentation that may help.
Raw potato is a potent inhibitor of melanocytes; it contains an enzyme named catecholase which slows down and limits the production of melanin pigments. When you look up home remedies for dark spots, a lot of the things you stumble upon could actually cause serious issues. Just because something is fine to eat it doesn’t mean you should put it on your skin, so tread carefully when browsing Pinterest for hyperpigmentation treatments. A mix of physical and chemical exfoliation is the best way to achieve quick dark spot removal. Skin tone can play a role in the intensity and length of hyperpigmentation treatments.

You can start with a once-a-day treatment to determine how skin reacts. However, most individuals—including those with dry and sensitive skin—should be able to apply this soy extract blend twice per day due to its safe, gentle properties. Citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and limes are rich natural sources of vitamin C, and their juice can easily be incorporated into DIY cleansers and toners. Papaya is another rich source, and a popular ingredient in DIY face mask recipes. Apply on the affected area and massage in circular motions.
There are several home remedies for pigmentation that can help you lighten dark patches. A study published in The British Journal of Dermatology in 2011 found that tomato paste rich in lycopene protected the skin against short-term and long-term aspects of photo damage. Study participants consumed 55 grams of tomato paste in olive oil daily for 12 weeks. Some of the best foods that can help to remove or reduce skin pigmentation are green vegetables such as spinach and kale, oily fish, citrus fruits and broccoli.

If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Soak 50 grams of red lentils in a bowl of water overnight. You can add tomato in your daily diet to get lighter and brighter skin as it also contains vitamin c along with other essential components. Pigmentation can be caused by various underlying or external factors. Learn about the natural remedies to treat pigmentation on your face.
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